Why Carbon Offset?
Carbon offsetting funds solutions to reducing carbon emissions now to combat climate change, which is one of the biggest challenges we are facing today on a global level. Frequently carbon offsetting reduces emissions much faster than you can as an individual/single company.
Carbon offsetting projects help to combat global climate change as well as caring for local communities. In many instances providing much needed employment, health improvement, biodiversity, reforestation and broad social benefits to disadvantaged people.
Offsetting provides a mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the most cost-effective and economically efficient manner. Offsetting plays a vital role in combating climate change while you or your company continue to implement carbon reductions reviews, plans or improvements.
Carbon Offsets Australia is your carbon offsets delivery partner, all we do is help you to become carbon neutral by having the boots on the ground, planting millions of trees, improving and returning natural biodiversity, sequesting your carbon output, creating jobs and creating your carbon credits for you.
What is a Carbon Offset?
A Carbon offset is a way to compensate for your emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere.
Our everyday actions, at home and at work, consume energy and produce carbon emissions, such as driving, flying and heating buildings. Carbon offsetting is used to balance out these emissions by helping to pay for emission savings in other parts of the country.
Our tree planting carbon offsetting projects also provide wider benefits in addition to carbon reduction, such as biodiversity, jobs, further education, food security and heath & well-being in local disadvantaged Indigenous communities.
What’s the difference between carbon credits (Australian Carbon Credit Units – ACCU’s) and Carbon Offsets Australia Pty Ltd offsets?
Carbon Offsets Australia Pty Ltd offsets capture carbon through our future tree planting projects. This means over the lifetime of the trees planted, carbon emissions are sequestered from the atmosphere.
On the other hand, carbon credits are derived from completed projects. For example, these could relate to a project where trees were planted 5 years ago and where the amount of carbon captured is counted as a credit to be sold to companies or can be traded on the open carbon market.
As we are producing carbon offsets for customers and clients who have pre-purchased their offsets, this means we will retire them once they have been produced and verified. Our customers and clients have the comfort of knowing their offsets cannot be re-sold once they have been produced and verified. Each offset (credit) is allocated a unique ID number, which is then retired on a public register.
Step 2 – Purchase your calculated offsets here:
Already calculated your carbon footprint and ready to offset?
Contact Us if you need to offset over 500 tonnes of CO2
Did You Know - the average carbon footprint of a person is 23 tonnes in Australia?
What People Say
The wonderful job that your organization does is truly priceless! I ask everyone who isn’t indifferent to donate and take part!

Angela Smith
The wonderful job that your organization does is truly priceless! I ask everyone who isn’t indifferent to donate and take part!