Tell Your Friends, Staff and Customers About Your Actions and Results
You have completed several steps (or maybe even the whole carbon management journey) – it is now vital that you share your news and achievements with your teams, clients and stakeholders
Why should you communicate?
- Show your leadership and encourage others to join you in the global challenge against climate change
- To motivate your teams, staff, friends, networks, associates and the wider community to do the same
- To demonstrate your low carbon credentials to likeminded businesses, stakeholders and the community
What should you communicate?
- Your carbon footprint results
- Your actions so far, which includes you purchasing your offsets from Carbon Offsets Australia and your plans going forward
- Your carbon reduction goals
- Your carbon neutrality credentials
Where to communicate?
- Order a sticker from the Carbon Offsets Australia Offset shop and display it on your car
- On your website
- On you marketing and PR materials
- On your social media sites (e.g. Facebook and Twitter)
- In internal company meeting
- In sales meetings
- In press releases
- In industry publications
- In your email signature
When to communicate?
- Frequently and as you reach different milestone stages of the carbon journey
- Try to space the timings between your announcements throughout the carbon foot-printing year and make them progressive throughout the year
- On each Earth Day and every environmental significant occasion
- When your company is tendering or bidding for work – let your potential client company know about your carbon neutral credentials