
There are so many economic outcomes that are achieved through our projects, some of which are but not limited to:

  • Carbon Offsets Australia provides our contracting clients and individuals who purchase their carbon offsets though us, a cost-effective solution to their carbon neutral goals

  • We’re assisting our large carbon emitting clients to avoid large Government imposed fines for not meeting carbon emission targets

  • According to the Deloitte Access Economics report, inaction on climate change could cost the Australian economy $3.4 trillion in the lead up to 2070, while the right steps could add nearly $700 billion.
  • Through our Indigenous employment strategies, we are taking people once thought of as tax burdens and turning them into tax contributors which builds financial self-reliance. It also creates a better skilled and motivated Indigenous workforce capable of finding and keeping jobs, upskilling in land or environmental based qualifications, starting businesses and building assets.
  • Providing commercial agreements to Indigenous land holders, based on true cash payments at the front end of those agreements, compared to the usual model of promising the world but delivering nothing that Indigenous people have heard many times before.
  • Providing supply chain opportunities for Indigenous businesses throughout our supply chains from seeds, uniforms, graphic design, filming services, fresh produce supplies for our tourism operations in Wagin, fencing, construction and so much more. Supporting the participation of Indigenous Australians in the economy benefits all Australians.
  • Providing opportunities for Indigenous people involved in Arts and Culture through our tourist operations, such as the amphitheatre for Indigenous performances and commissioned artists for our Art Gallery. 

Take Action:
Offset Your Emissions Now

We can offset from 1 tonne of CO2 to multiple millions of tonnes of CO2 on your behalf. Whether you’re an individual or a multinational company, we are your workforce on the ground to get the job done.

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